Dev Blog #1

6/22/16 (It says 23, but it’s like 2AM)


Welcome to Doppelganger’s dev blog!

A quick warning that this blog will be pretty personal, but I hope anyone reading this is as entertained by my journey as I am.

I started off this visual novel project a couple months ago for high school, but never really had the time to put much into it. I wanted it to be a game that puts the player in someone else’s shoes — literally, and shows them that life isn’t all the it seems to be.

I’m using Ren’Py, and I haven’t used Python since the Middle Ages. Thankfully, writing the script in Ren’Py isn’t terribly difficult and I’m pretty sure someone with minimal coding experience could do it once they get the initialization of character variables down.

Holly Sprites/Design

I spent some time in SAI today reworking Holly’s sprite image. Holly’s supposed to be the stuck up brat of the visual novel, but she actually turned out to be favorite character when I first thought of this idea. She’s named after a good friend from middle school of mine who is probably the polar opposite of her. Here’s Holly post plastic surgery with her old design on the right:

I decided to go for a softer look to the VN instead of the rougher style I did earlier. I hadn’t tried making the line art the same color as the object before, but it really does look better (aka the line art isn’t straight black but matches a darker tone of the skin/dress/whatever).

Here’s all of her expressions (normal/angry/sad).

Main Screen

I’ll be reworking Tristan (her slightly of a jerk boyfriend) next, and likely the start screen of the game because no one can tell that Holly’s looking at her reflection through a window.

Man, what do I have to do to show she’s indoors?


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